
Role: Programmer
Team Size: 1
Project Length: 2 Weeks

Genre: Idle

In Armourer you are tasked with creating weapons for an impending war. You have no one to help you so you must do all the labor yourself including gathering resources, crafting, and smithing. In this game gather resources and craft using idle game mechanics.


In the Smithing and Crafting skills you can use items from your inventory to create new items. Creating new items only requires clicking on the item you want to craft while having the required items.

Woodcutting & Mining
Smithing & Crafting

The inventory is a script that holds the values for each item in it. The inventory will update every time a new item is created. When you have all the items require to "Send Weapons" you can end the game.

The shop menu is where you can buy items, sell items, and upgrade tools. The shop script utilizes the inventory script to see how much gold you have. Some items can only be obtained in the shop.


There are 2 different types of skills in Armourer, gathering skills and crafting skills. In gathering skills you are getting some type of item while crafting skills will use your items from your inventory to make new items.

Woodcutting and Mining will get you their respective materials. The items will go into your inventory where you can use it in crafting skills or sell it in the shop. Gathering skills will automatically gather items based on your mining/cutting speed

XP System

The XP system tracks all the XP you have gained from skills and displays them on one page. The amount of XP gained and need to level up stays consistent.

Saving & Loading

You can save the game switch will save all your XP, levels, gold, and items ion your inventory. You can only have one save at a time. You can load your save in the main menu.